Antwort Who is stronger than Escanor? Weitere Antworten – Who can beat Escanor the one

Who is stronger than Escanor?

When he has embraced his demon form, Meliodas is strong enough to defeat Escanor.Escanor, who shows great strength, becomes the strongest among the Seven Deadly Sins. His connection to the Sun shows a strength that beats everyone else. Escanor is a prominent person who is feared and respected.His power was so incredible that Merlin needed to take it away to protect the Kingdom Of Liones. Despite Escanor defeating Meliodas once the reality is that Meliodas is stronger than Escanor. It is not that Escanor is powerless. Meliodas is just the demon prince and the protagonist.

Who did Escanor lose to : Meliodas stops Ban and tells Escanor that they would have a fight at noon to decide, that he will join the Sins if he loses. During the fight, although Escanor reaches the pinnacle of his power at noon, Meliodas manages to defeat him by releasing his Assault Mode.

Is anyone stronger than Escanor at noon

Meliodas's power level goes up to ~32,000, whereas Escanor's power level in the morning, not even at noon, was well above ~40,000. However, he could beat Escanor in a fight until noon.

Can Escanor lose : Has Escanor ever lost a fight Yes he has lost several fight against meliodas assault mode. This until he properly learned to uses his powers.

Lust is generally thought to be the least serious capital sin. Thomas Aquinas considers it an abuse of a faculty that humans share with animals and sins of the flesh are less grievous than spiritual sins.

Escanor used the fact that the battle between he and Meliodas took place as noon was approaching to his advantage and transformed into “The One.” Escanor quickly overpowered Meliodas by delivering an almost fatal blow with his bare hand that left his opponent unconscious with a gruesome gash on his chest.

What is Escanor’s max power level

around a 798 thousand power level

Escanor's The One Ultimate form is around a 798 thousand power level. He can beat meliodas in all other forms but not meliodas' true magic form which power level is around 1 million.In Nanatsu no Taizai, Escanor's power makes him strong and muscular during the day and skinny and weak during the night.At dawn, Escanor undergoes a massive jump in power, and continues to get stronger every second until noon, at which point his power reaches its peak. After noon he gets gradually weaker until he shifts back into his frail form after sunset.

Just enough to win. Escanor's feats of strength and such are almost lackluster compared to Saitama sure, but consider that with the exception of meliodas and the demon king, nobody Escanor has ever fought will have a chance of being as powerful as Saitama.

What is Escanor power level : Undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in The Seven Deadly Sins, Escanor's power level is estimated to be around 798,000. That's enough to give even the Demon King a very hard time, which explains Escanor's immense pride and why he gloats at his opponents.

Who is the strongest 7 sin : Meliodas

Meliodas is undoubtedly the most powerful member of the Seven Sins, and he was the strongest of the Ten Commandments over 3,000 years ago. As a testament to his towering prowess, Meliodas managed to absorb all the Ten Commandments and was still able to use his existing power and agility.

Who can defeat Meliodas

Meliodas himself stated that Escanor is stronger than him, ultimately meaning that he'll lose if they were to fight.


Yes he has lost several fight against meliodas assault mode. This until he properly learned to uses his powers. Between Meliodas and Escanor, who is far more superiorConclusion: Normal Meliodas (About 65k Powerlevel) is stronger for the majority of time BUT as soon as Escanor's Powerlevel hits that 65k mark which would be around half an hour before noon (in reference to Estarossa vs Escanor).. he is stronger till his power again falls below that 65k mark.

What is the strongest Sin : Pride (superbia), also known as hubris (from Ancient Greek ὕβρις) or futility. It is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic. It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Pride is the opposite of humility.